Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year, New Me.

I have so many big dreams, I have so many things I need to do, and so many things I want to do.

I asked Aaron to do a list to. So we can start together. But I need to start by this Wed, because some of my goals are going to be started. And some are already in progress.

I'm excited about all the things I want to accomplish. I just hope I can!!!

I'm starting by making a list of all my weekly things and daily thing I need to do. I'm going to laminate them and then get a dry erase marker. That way, I can check them off as I go about my daily tasks.

I'm listening to the Bangels right now, and I forgot how fun they are!!!!!! lol

I will continue to update my list daily. I might tweak some of my goals. But as of right now, I think I'm good.

I will post my songs up here as well, and get going on my song writing, I miss it so much!!! :-)

But as for me right now? I need to go take care of my primary songs for tomorrow! I love my calling and I'm VERY excited church doesn't start until 11 now!!!


  1. Our church doesn't start till 2 and I hate the prospect of Primary during kids' nap time!

    As for my blog -- I don't think I have it set up for 'followers' -- I just use Google Reader myself.

  2. I'm so excited for you! Just reading this post makes me want to get started on my own list. Thanks for the inpiration...
