Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wrecked...My Car Was Totalled...With Me Still Inside!!!

I WAS having a great day... until I was heading to work. I got rear-ended. It was an accident, through and through, everyone suddenly braked. I just got the shit end of the stick. (thankfully Xander was NOT in the car!!!)

Anyhoo, my Jeep Cherokee is totalled. I couldn't open the driver's side, I had to crawl through the passenger's side.

Thankfully a dear friend saw my car and pulled over. She was with me in the Ambulance and with me until Hubby could get there. She's was so awesome! That's a true friend right there! Drops everything to help out a friend in need!!!!

My neck and back started hurting, and they put me in a brace and sent me to the ambulance!
I was at the ER for a while. Good news, nothing broken! So, I know I'm going to hurt like hell tomorrow! Yeah! He gave me some good drugs, so hopefully I'll start feeling better soon.

Anyhoo, I'm okay, I hurt, I could use some more love this way!!!

And the meds are starting to kick in.............zzzzzzzz



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